Tuesday, July 21, 2015

MTHFR and vision improvement

Of all the results I didn't expect from methyl folate supplementation - my vision has notably improved. my eye doctor almost jumped out of her chair when I was reading smaller and smaller type on the eye chart.

She encouraged me to keep taking methyl folate so we can see what changes at my next annual visit.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MTHFR Detoxing - the best choices

Seems we  all - those of us with the MTHFR C677T and A 1298C - need to detox more than other folks. Our detox pathways aren't efficient. I've tried all of the recommendations and have found my top three that work the best. And I know that ones that are puny and not as effective.

Here's the deal, though. I need to do at least one major detox technique every DAY or more. So do you, as best you can. For example, all of us can eat a fresh salad every day plus do exercise. detoxing to enhance the methylation cycle is an on-going lifetime endeavor. One activity a week is NOT enough.

Here are my top 4:

Vigorous aerobics done either in class at a rec center or at home with a DVD. I downloaded several favorites to my Samsung Galaxy so I can take them along when I travel. The calisthenics-type movements seem to force toxins from all my glands, muscles, and organs. I'm talking crunches, sit-ups, burpees, light weight lifting to music. I sweat. I huff and puff, and I feel uplifted for the next 24 hours. My body feels as if the methylation-deficiency supplements work more effectively.

Hot Yoga at the studio. My classes are 1 to 1 1/2 hours, the room temperature is about 105 degrees, and the postures are suitable for beginners. I pay $9/class (living in Utah has some great advantages!) I go to the studio at least once a week. The sweating coupled with stretching and bending moves toxins out of the body. The postures are somewhat effective if I practice at home, but the heat is the secret sauce.

Leafy green salads with olive oil and lemon juice/vinegar dressing. Sometimes I add toasted nuts, marinated artichokes, flax seeds, bits of fresh fruit, perhaps some anchovy paste. Greens with lots of detox power are parsley, arugula, watercress, kale, romaine, iceberg, basil, fresh herbs, radicchio, spinach, Bibb and leaf lettuces, endive. Add some chopped carrots, cucumbers, radishes, black or green olives, beets, jicama, and other fresh vegetables you like. I don't add cheese or cheese/cream based dressings as they seem to reduce the detox effectiveness of the salad.

Hiking and snowshoeing. A twenty-minute car ride up the canyon from our home is National Forest land plus world-renowned ski and recreation areas. A vigorous couple hours brings on a healthy glow, lungs rejuvenated with fresh, clean air, and that Rocky Mountain high feeling. Seems to make my methylation cycles more efficient.

These detox techniques work OK, but are not enough.

Infrared Sauna. I love the feeling of sweating in the totally non-cozy confines of our sauna. Thirty minutes brings a vigorous sweat but doesn't seem to make my methylation cycles more efficient. The thirty minutes brings on an elated, through drained feeling. Requires a shower after.

Dry-Brush Body. Using a natural bristle brush, brush your skin from your extremities towards your heart. Pop on a handle to reach your back. I don't find this helps at all, but sure is great for exfoliation and glowing skin.

The Five Tibetan Rites. Five active semi-yoga exercises that are done every morning and are said to detox all the organs and glands of the body. They work, but aren't enough to boost my methylation cycles. Google to find You Tube videos and instructions.

MA Roller (also known as back roller.) Feels great, very relaxing, takes 10-15 minutes. I love the MA Roller, and use it once or twice a week. It is gently detoxing and may boost my methylation cycles.  I stand up slowly - refreshed, renewed, as if I've taken a 20 minute nap. Perhaps I should use it more often to see if it can move up to a favorite detoxer.

Hot baths. Ah, I love these. I'm not supposed to use Epson salts as they contain sulfur and I have the CBS+- SNP, But I sometimes add them to my bath. A good substitute is plain old salt with essential oils or bath salts.. Soak for a while. Feels great. Does something good to my moods.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I just surmised that I’m been over-methylating.  Serotonin and norephinephrine were lingering in my brain, causing chaos. I was feeling too good and then too low. This had to be linked to my disaster vacation – shingles, herpes spots, mosquito magnetism, eczema, black around my rings.

Depressed folks need more of these vital brain neurotransmitters. I needed less. A magical natural-treatment remedy doesn’t exist.

My friends who were instantaneously “healed” with methyl folate and methyl B12 were under-methylators.

Thus began my foray into hours of research. More hours of research. I read about SNPs – snips. I struck pay dirt. Seems there are other genes that may or may not be BFF with MTHFR. They include MAO and COMT. I have mutations in both.

With a COMT mutation, a person can’t tolerate methyl B12 well. Maybe. They usually do better with hydroxo B12 or adeno B12. After days of experimenting, my body loves adeno B12 – I get energy, my personality becomes perky. Minor irritations don’t exist. I can tolerate a very small amount of methyl B12 – 100 mcg. (Cyanocobalamin is the widely available form of B12, folks with methylation deficiencies can’t process it well. It’s a no-no.) I need to remind myself that what works today may not tomorrow. But I feel closer to my goal.

One highly-regarded website highly – oh, so highly – recommended taking small amounts of lithium to  help the body handle methyl B12. I tried it.. It didn’t work. i took 1 mg/day of lithium orotate for about a week. My personality was flat. I was constipated. The inner pounding and anxiety stopped. My eczema faded. My ring fingers stopped turning black. But I still couldn’t handle methyl B12.

Twenty years ago, I took lithium for a couple days.  My body swelled up and I felt so seasick that I sat in a chair and held on all day in order not to upchuck. After that,  my oh-so-wise doc put me on a daily big spoonful of fish oil, an aerobic exercise regime of 45 minutes 3 times a week, and banned cortisol-inducing foods like cookies, candy, pasta, bread, alcoholic beverages, caffeine. With this way brilliant formula, my anxiety stopped.

I’ve adhered to this simple formula for years, but the formula stopped working when I was over methylating. But I didn’t stop the formula. It’s super healthy and practical.

The COMT mutation can also cause quick startle and quick anxiety responses. That’s me. The MTHFR makes it hard to follow two conversations at once, or to engage in a conversation with background noise. Such as vocal music. This may be why being a mother was so challenging.

As far as I can research, no one has found the magic pill for the COMT mutation. But at least I know why some things never change.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Over methylation - Yikes.

The past 9 months have driven me crazy. Yes, I’ve had high energy, need less sleep, need way fewer naps. I’ve felt brilliant in social situations.

The downside is that I’ve been super irritable and breathtakingly anxious. I am so fortunate that my partner is patient and easily accepts my anxiety as “no-big-deal.” He handles my moods far better than I do.

When I’ve consulted my “healers” – my spiritual and medical intuitive and regular MDs who use the EAV biofeedback machines all told me to keep up the MTHFR and the methyl B12. In fact, they have suggested I take as much as 2800 mg MTHFR a day. This advice didn’t make sense considering my inner tension

Something was really “off.” And what was “off” was me. What could possibly be causing – all at the same time – a shingles outbreak near my lower rib cage, herpes and a mosquito attack? Since I had no idea what shingles was, I thought those bumps were bug or mosquito bites. When a bite happens, I use scotch tape. I put a piece of tape on the bite as a scratch inhibitor and to draw out the toxins. Whenever I feel irresistibly and unconsciously drawn to scratch, the tape creates a barrier. This works like magic. But let me tell you, those shingles hurt so much when I pulled off the tape. Ouch!!! So don’t put tape on shingles. Concurrently I had one or two herpes spots (which I haven’t had in over 30 years), and for some odd reason, I acquired about 30 mosquito bites all over my face and neck. (No one else got bit. Weird!) Towards the end of our Sedona vacation, I  was wearing many pieces of tape all over – well, all over everywhere. At the same time I was feeling super sexual. Fun and misery combined.

No matter what any expert said, something was way wrong. I seemed to be reacting to methylation in very “off” ways. I slowly cut back and the shingles and herpes retreated, then disappeared. The mosquito bites healed as they usually do. But it wasn’t until I went cold turkey – no MTHFR and no methyl B12 that the eczema vanished. Virtually overnight.

Did going off the methylation products hurt me in any way? I don’t think so.  My personality became a bit subdued and I was disoriented mentally, but I seemed fine. If I were to quick diagnose, which as we all know is a questionable practice,  I would say that I had worn myself out. My nervous system and my adrenals had worked overtime for perhaps 6-9 months. I was listless. I decided to simply let it be for a while.

Which lead me to consult with a new doc – a naturopath who after studying my genome print out from www.23andme.com, wrote a prescription for thyroid and suggested I return in 2 weeks. As if. He didn’t explain anything to me. He then handed me yet another food-restrictive diet. Again, no explanation. So much for visiting that doctor again.

He did get me thinking, though, so I found a homeopathic remedy in my drawer for Adrenal Support. It contains thyroidinum and I’ve been taking 10 drops 3 times daily. I’ve perked up a bit and am now ready to do some serious research and try to learn all I can about methylation, my personal genome and what it’s all about. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Methylation Perfection

Adding L-5-MTHFR as a supplement has been miraculous and treacherous over the past 6 months. Finding the balance of taking enough to experience even energy levels and uplifted moods without getting looney or maniac is challenging.

I think I've finally arrived at an optimal dose for me. This doesn't mean that my optimal amounts will in any way be best for you. NOr that they'll remain the best for me. They could and probably will change. Other members of my family take way more than I do with terrific results.

I started with the prescription medication Deplin at 15 mg. I was looney. Flying. Nutty. Unbalanced as I had to hold onto furniture to get around the living room.  Soon after that, I took 2400 mcg - a way lower amount. This worked superbly as my body began to methylate. My vision improved - I was reading 3 lines lower on the eye chart at the optometrist's. My hearing was improved. I finally understood why the Beatles were so remarkable. My energy was level. I no longer needed to take a nap every afternoon just to have enough energy to make dinner and spend a fun time with my husband when he came home from wotk.

But then, after a month or so, I was getting too anxious. I cut back to only 1800 mcg - 1000 at breakfast, 400 at lunch, 400 at dinner. Seems that most of the bottles come in 400 mcg amounts.

But, again after 2 months, I was getting weird. Looney is a far more pleasant mental state than mania. I was maniac. Fussy, wanting to cry. Wanting to rage. It seemed that my insides shook. Music sounded way too loud and agressive. Nothing my husband did was right. (He is so blessedly patient.) I simply couldn't calm down inside.

I started doing things to detox. I took infrared saunas twice a week. I wanted to binge on chocolate candy. My sleep was disordered. Finally one night after dinner I purposely broke a dish.

I was so startled that I googled MTHFR and discovered that too much MTHFR can create a build-up of SAMe. The remedy for this is to take Niacin. I did. The mania abated for a while. I researched SAMe. Side effects are mania especially if a person has a tendency to depression or anxiety.

During this time I had a weird rash on my side under my bra line extending toward my belly button. It was painful. I thought it was a series of spider bites. But it wasn't. It was shingles. They can erupt from stress.

I cut back to 400 mcg three times a day with meals.

I've become an angel again - at least compared to my maniac self. This amount is working perfectly for me now. All of the benefits of methylation have returned without any of the mania. The shingles attack has subsided. I feel clear once again.

My husband has agreed to let me know if I start getting maniac again as it's so hard to see in oneself. If this happens, I'll take some niacin and then figure out if I need to cut back again on the methyl folate.

What I've learned is that for me, there is no methylation perfectiion. Instead, for me, I have an ongoing "living in the question" strategy. Right now it's working and life is extraordinarily good.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Wow! Something's not quite right. I've been taking 1800 mcg of methyl folate and 1700 mcg of methyl B12 and I'm feeling deja vu. Flying, soaring, easily irritated, and I'm certain that I'm irritating to anyone who stands next to me. I should have known I was getting a bit loony when I streaked my dark brown hair with blond, then disliked it so strongly that rather than wait for my hair stylist to return to town, I covered it with a flat shade of brown.  My internal rhythms were pounding and beating way too fast.

I've been on the supplements for 6 months. For about five months I definitely had more energy, wasn't tired all the time. My vision improved so much that I can now read three lines lower on the doctor's eye chart than I did last year. I hear music undertones I've never heard before. Now I know why the Beatles are so amazing. I finally can hear why.

But for the past week or so I'm on edge as in the old days before I tool the blood test for MTHFR. What's going on?

Yesterday I took the remedy suggested for an overload of methyl folate, namely niacin to reduce SAMe that's a byproduct of too much methylation, I felt better within 5 minutes. So it must be too much.

According to Dr. Lynch at www.MTHFR.net, the side effects of too much are: irritability, insomnia, sore muscles, achy joints, acne, rash, severe anxiety, palpitations, nausea, headaches, migraines. Fortunately, I've been spared the rash, acne, insomnia, palpitations, headaches, and migraines.
Tomorrow I cut back to 1400 methyl folate and 700 B12. And if I'm still wired and anxious, I'll cut back even more the day after tomorrow. The essential thing for me to remember is to use the niacin if I get too feisty.
I wonder if a person at first needs to build up the body with methylation, then cut back after a while. I've alerted my family members who have the mutation to notice if they get too anxious or have other side effects so they can also cut back. But hurrah for methylation. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Check for MTHFR

After Pilates class this morning I chatted with a gal who has so many odd symptoms - and nothing she is doing for them is working. Plantar fasciitis, anxiety, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, arthritis-type aches and pains. And those are only the ones she mentioned. Plus she was on Prozac.

So far her strategy has been to do lots of juice fasts and detox routines, which, of course, help. But with all those symptoms, it sounded like she could have the MTHFR mutation. So I suggested she contact my doc, read through the www.MTHFR.net website, purchase those marvelous Foot Wakers to exercise her feet, plus purchase a pair of MBT shoes.

MBT shoes immediately stop the pain of plantar fasciitis and even though they are stylish in a very funky sort of way, no one would think they're sexy. What's sexy about them is they make your feet so happy that you'll feel sexier than if you continued to go for the glamour and thus chose to live with that excruciating pain and discomfort.

And, of course, get tested for the mutation.

I wonder how many folks with anxiety disorder couldn't be readily cured with methylfolate and methyl B12. And then toss the psychotropic medications and be happy naturally.

What surprises me is that I haven't heard of a psychiatrist or counselor who first suggests testing for MTHFR mutation before prescribing meds. It would reduce the amount of pain, the cost of those drugs, and perhaps folks could really live happier ever after. I know people can skip the drugs and go straight to methylation, once they know why they have such odd body things going on.